Here's a little review today on blogs involved in small business situations or are self-employed:
Don Simkovich in Altadena does interviews or takes tips from people knowledgeable in business, money and real estate with the goal of leaving the reader with one important tip or idea they can "take away" and apply to their situation or help them evaluate their needs. "For example," Don says, "I've got an upcoming interview I'll be doing with a coffee company, they grind their own coffee, and I'll be asking them how they chose their business, what they've learned and what's one tip they'd like to offer to someone starting their own business." Maybe you too can get an idea here!
For a break from the serious issues into the world of lighthearted shopping for stuff you might actually need take a look at Cool Steals and Deals for anything from a computer to linens. This site is run by a lady who recently and unexpectedly lost her spouse, so it would be great to support her and her site, because her site is definitely "cool".
Long Beach