The sample breakdown below may not be exactly like this because a borrower's other circumstances with a particular lender or a particular program could vary, so it's important to keep that in mind. But oftentimes prospective borrowers are not aware of how their decision to buy one more piece of furniture, or buying that new car, BEFORE closing escrow, may strongly impact their new monthly payment because they have added more debt.
30 year Fixed Rate Mortgage - $200,000 Loan Amount
FICO Score APR Monthly Payment
760-850 4.466% $1,009
700-759 4.688% $1,036
680-699 4.865% $1,057
660-679 5.079% $1,083
640-659 5.509% $1,137
620-639 6.055% $1,206
Chart courtesy of Pat Zaby
For more information on how debt and other credit issues can impact your credit score, I can forward you my Powerpoint presentation. Also, go to for objective information about credit scoring and obtaining a free credit report.
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