
July 2016 Average Sold Prices in Cerritos, Long Beach, Lakewood and Seal Beach

In Los Angeles County, the median priced home in July, 2016 was $580,000, up from $529,000 in June, 2015, and current single family home price is $509,830 for all of California.

In the first chart are median prices for Cerritos, Long Beach, Lakewood , and Seal Beach single family homes for the past 3 years through September 7, 2016.  Seal Beach has increased 7.9% in that time; Cerritos has decreased 1.8%;  Lakewood has increased 5% overall; Long Beach has increased .3%.
Current median price - Long Beach $548,500; Cerritos - $690,000; Lakewood $525,000; Seal Beach $1,132,500.
Average median condominium prices for all four cities range from $553,500 (Cerritos) to $245,000 (Lakewood).  The average condo price range is virtually the same across the four cities.

For a chart of the average single family home in all four cities, please note the difference in the second chart, where overall prices change upward:

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