Always check with your lender, Realtor, and/or escrow officer personally on the phone, before sending a wire transfer to anyone.
Obtain complete documentation from your bank itemizing all money transfers.
Don't withdraw of deposit large sums into accounts unless absolutely necessary.
Try to avoid making career moves before close of escrow.
Don't allow your bank accounts to go negative, even if you have overdraft protection.
Don't apply for new credit.
All gift money must be documented, so avoid having a friend or relative pay for anything concerning the purchase of the home without first discussing with your lender.
If transferring money from overseas account, discuss the best time to do so with you lender.
Be aware if you close any credit card accounts, your debt ratio may appear higher, so DON'T close credit card accounts. Just stop using them.
Avoid having your credit report run unless required by your lender of choice on a transaction.
More posts: Buyer Mistakes: https://longbeachrealestate.blogspot.com/2017/05/being-prepared-buyer-in-sellers-market.html
Wire Fraud: https://longbeachrealestate.blogspot.com/2017/07/wire-fraud-in-real-estate-is.html
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